
Things to do and places to go ~ Laundress Lucca takes to the air ~

June 26, 2022

There are those that have places to go and those that go for the journey itself. While Laundress Lucca is undoubtedly no stranger to a dazzling, globe-trotting life, sometimes it’s worth the extra effort and expense to have the experience itself. A quick weekend jaunt to a three-day wedding in Chicago was the perfect excuse to check something off the bucket list. In this particular instance, a flight in first class on the new Boeing 787. The plane has actually been in service for several years, but it was Laundress Lucca’s first time, and that’s what matters for this story.

Laundress Lucca leads a life of no regrets. However, there is only one, and that was to have flown a flight on the Concorde from New York to London return. Unfortunately, that dream never came to fruition as the dear and beloved supersonic aircraft was retired long before Laundress Lucca could have afforded the fare. For those that don’t know, the Concorde was the first and only supersonic jet to operate regular passenger service between Europe and North America. In other words, flying across the Atlantic at Mach 2 in 3.5 hours actually made time. Concorde flew at 1,350 miles per hour at 60,000 feet which is 800 miles faster than the subsonic, cumbersome 747s plodding across the Atlantic at the time. Indeed it was coveted, glamorous, high-style yet completely unnecessary, overtly frivolous, and monstrously expensive. Can you say Paris in 3.5 hours? Only the best flight crew were selected to fly this aircraft’s coveted routes. A sincere nod to the glamour days of flying in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. The champagne was free-flowing, the cuisine was top-notch, and the uniforms fit ever so tightly. Despite its cramped quarters, many relationships were consummated on these flights. To say you were a member of the mile-high club was underwhelming, as Concorde flew eleven miles high at 60,000 feet. 

Concorde Picture 1


Sad to say, but the aircraft was retired from service in 2003 after a devastating accident that killed 109 on board and four on the ground. As a result, all Concord aircraft were grounded permanently. And that, my dear readers, is why Laundress Lucca regrets never flying on Concorde. To prevent that from happening again, the extra time and money were set aside to ensure a new experience on the 787.  

The 787 is referred to as a Dreamliner, and many of its claims to fame fall under its passenger comfort. From the outside, the plane is indeed handsome, but good looks aside, the key features of the 787 show advancements from other aircraft. With its new composite skin and sculpted structure, the 787 is the most technologically advanced commercial airplane in history. Due to it partly being made of plastic components, it offers a lighter but stronger and more aerodynamic structure than previous models designed and distributed by Boeing. It’s designed to be quieter and 20% more fuel-efficient then other commercial jets. The plane itself is smaller in size but clocks the same speed as a 747, and it can travel longer distances. The operation costs of maintaining the aircraft are 32% less. It uses 40% less power yet maintains faster speeds. The fuselage is made of plastic and composites, which are both cheaper and lighter. Best of all, turbulence is minimized as there are systems that work to counter vertical and horizontal movement in choppy air. 

787 Dreamline Exterior
787 Dreamliner Interior


One of this aircraft’s most mentionable design features is a nod to the importance of first impressions. On most planes, the main cabin door dumps you right in the middle of the galley. A visual cacophony of institutional service carts, trash bins, and the poor haggard flight attendant attacking a block of ice while trying desperately to break it into cubes. And right as you take your first step on board, that passenger that just couldn’t wait steps out of the lavatory shrouded in a gray haze. Only to nearly collide with the flight attendant attempting to pick up the cubes from the floor. What a deflating moment for someone excited about both the destination and the art of arrival. In the case of the 787, the galley is actually out of sight, and entering the foyer is a bit like stepping into the lobby of a very small hotel. Two well-rested flight attendants greet you like regulars at a clubby restaurant and escort you to your cabin. 

The 787’s cabin windows are larger than any other civilian air transport service in history. Being larger allows for a higher eye level, so you can always see a horizon. The steadiness of the horizon aids in preventing vertigo and other ear, balance, and nausea issues. Instead of the usual plastic shade, the windows use electrochromism-based smart glass. This allows flight attendants and passengers to adjust five levels of sunlight and visibility to their liking. It eliminates cabin glare while maintaining a view of the outside world. It also allows you to adjust your wake and sleep cycles to arrive rested and refreshed at your destination. And back to those minuscule water closets on most planes, the 787s are so much roomier and spacious and so large, mind you, that they can accommodate a person with disabilities. Of course, all of this means much more floor area for those practicing members of the mile-high club. I guess galactic three-ways and in-flight gang bangs are next.  

Another one of those terrific design features that few may notice, but those who do will certainly appreciate, is the humidity levels. No one likes arriving at their destination with sandpaper eyes, crusty lips, and a sore throat. Let’s face it, that’s what occurs on a dehydrating flight as most aircraft only operate at 4% humidity. Conversely, the 787 has much higher humidity levels and therefore reduces dehydration which is the leading cause of jet lag. With all that extra moisture, you look more like someone that just had a facial rather than that haggard traveler parched from a flight. Unfortunately, due to Covid, there are still amenities that have yet to return if they ever do. In discussion with a very helpful flight attendant, she explained that blankets and pillows are probably a thing of the past since sterilization standards went up so high during the pandemic. You know Laundress Lucca; just like that, the conversation turned to fabric care and cleaning processes necessary to ensure sterilization for blankets and pillows on commercial aircraft. At, our technologically advanced machines use less water and energy. They have much faster extraction speeds that permeate the fibers with oxygen and cleaning agents. Further, the high extraction speeds significantly reduce dry times. Don’t delay taking advantage of our pick-up-and-delivery service. Just leave your dirty laundry on the porch, and we will return it within 48 hours; nice and clean and neatly folded. Our service areas include downtown San Diego, the airport, and Point Loma areas. 


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